Frásaí Coitianta na Spáinne

Spanish is one of the most commonly used languages in the world. 329 million people speak Spanish as a first language, agus 9 million people speak Spanish as a second language. It’s also a very common language to study, third only to English and French. Don’t know Spanish? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with the most common Spanish phrases.

Difference Between Spanish and Latin American Spanish

European Spanish and Spanish spoken in other areas of the world can differ significantly. Just try asking someone in Mexico the price of a jacket using European Spanish. The translation of the word ‘jacket’ is very different in Latin America than it is in Europe.


Trust us: it’s going to get a little awkward.

If you’re headed to Spain, you’ll want to download a translation app that includes European Spanish (Castilian) translations. Headed to Puerto Rico? You’ll want to look up Latin American Spanish.


Even in Latin America, Spanish can be very different from country to country. While most of the words and phrases translate over, it’s important to understand that they aren’t always a direct translation.


If someone gives you a strange look after you say something in Spanish, just say, “Yo hablo Español de la país de España.”


Frásaí Coitianta na Spáinne: Beannachtaí agus Foirmiúlachtaí

The most common phrases you’ll need if you’re headed to a Spanish speaking country for a vacation are greetings and formalities. Depending on your destination, it’s totally possible you’ll be outed as a native English speaker the moment the first word comes out of your mouth.

Want to learn more about a language? Iad seo leideanna maidir le teanga nua a fhoghlaim will help get the language party started.

Many native Spanish speakers will happily speak Spanish with you — or even English if you’re not very familiar with Spanish.


Headed to a small town or village? You’ll definitely need a little more help. Here are some of the most common greetings and formalities:

“Hi, Conas tá tú?” = “Hola, como esta?”
“My name is Juan.” = “Me llamo Juan.”
“What is your name?” = “Como te llama tu?”“Cuál es tu nombre?”
“Nice to meet you.” = “Mucho gusto.”
“The pleasure is mine.” = “El gusto es mío.”
“Excuse me,” = “Disculpe,”“Perdóneme,” or even just, “Perdón.”
“Please.” = “Por favor.”
“Thank you.” = “Gracias.”
“You’re welcome.” = “De nada.”

Ag iarraidh foghlaim conas a rá Dia duit i dteangacha eile?

Ag ithe amuigh

No matter if you’re traveling for business or vacation, you’ll most likely end up eating at a restaurant at some point during your trip. If you don’t, we feel sorry for you. Spanish and Latin American food is delicious!

If you’re headed to a restaurant, you’ll want to know these key phrases:
“Table for one, please.” = “Una mesa para uno, por favor.”
“I need a menu.” = “Yo necesito una carta,” nó, “yo necesito un menú.”
“Water, please.” = “Agua, por favor.”
“What are the specials?” = “Cuales son los especiales?”
– "Cá bhfuil an leithreas?” = “Donde está el baño?”
“Check, le do thoil!” = “¡La cuenta, por favor!”
“I have a nut allergy.” = “Tengo alergia a las nueces.”

Checking Into Your Hotel/Airbnb

When it’s time to check into your hotel, you’ll probably encounter someone who speaks English. But with more and more people opting for home shares and Airbnb rentals, it’s more likely that you’ll need a little Spanish to get through check-in. These common Spanish phrases should get you started:


“I have a reservation.” = “Yo tengo una cita.”
“I need more toilet paper.” = “Yo necesito papel de baño.”
“I lost the apartment key.” = “Perdí la llave del apartamento.”
“Where is the fire extinguisher?" “Donde está el extintor de incendios?”
“Where is the closest drugstore/bank?” = “Donde está la farmacia/banco más cercano?”

Traveling soon? We’ve got you covered on the na apps taistil is fearr le haghaidh taistil nóiméad deireanach.

Miscellaneous Travel Words and Spanish Phrases

Inevitably, you’ll need to know a few miscellaneous words, freisin. Depending on your travel needs, these are some of the words and phrases you’ll run into:


– Culaith Suit: Maleta
– Sparán: Billetera
Backpack: Mochila
Purse: Bolso
Stop!: Alto!
– Tacsaí: Taxi
Help!: Ayúdame!
– Aerfort: Aeropuerto
– Traenach: Tren
– Gluaisteán: Coche
– Bád: Bote
– Fobhealach: Metro (usually)
Street: Calle


You wouldn’t want to find yourself chasing a cab after you forgot your purse inside — only to realize you can’t remember how to say the word, “Purse!"

How to Say Numbers in Spanish

Numbers are relatively easy to remember in Spanish. Once you learn one through ten, you can easily figure out the rest of the system.


One: Uno
Two: Dos
Three: Tres
Four: Cuatro
Five: Cinco
Six: Seis
Seven: Siete
Eight: Ocho
Nine: Nueve
Ten: Diez
Eleven: Once
Twelve: Doce
Thirteen: Trece
Fourteen: Catorce
Fifteen: Quince
Sixteen: Dieciséis
Seventeen: Diecisiete
Eighteen: Dieciocho
Nineteen: Diecinueve
Twenty: Vente
Thirty: Treinta
Forty: Cuarenta
Fifty: Cincuenta
Sixty: Sesenta
Seventy: Setenta
Eighty: Ochenta
Ninety: Noventa
One hundred: Cien


You don’t need to know every Spanish phrase before heading to a Spanish-speaking country. Just follow the ‘rules’ of Spanish, learn a few phrases and download an English-to-Spanish translation app, and you’ll be on your way to communicating internationally!

Need help translating other languages? Faigh amach conas a rá Dia duit i dteangacha eile agus English to Persian translations.

Faigh Vocre Anois!