Urdu to English Translation

Want to know how to translate Urdu to English? We've got some tips to help you translate different languages -- from pronunciation to grammar to vocab.

Learn some tips for Urdu to English translation — and where to find an app to do it for you.


Urdu is an Indo-Aryan language predominantly spoken in Pakistan and in South Asia. It is mutually intelligible with Hindi, as speakers of Urdu and Hindi can usually understand each other. Urdu and Hindi are so closely related that the language is often referred to as Hindi-Urdu or Hindustani.


Where is Urdu spoken?

More than 170 million people speak Urdu all over the world. The language is predominantly spoken in Pakistan and India and is the official language of Pakistan. 


Elsewhere in the world, the Urdu language is spoken in the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


More than 300,000 Americans and more than 400,000 British citizens speak Urdu. 

Urdu to English Translation Tips

Want to pick up some quick Urdu to English translation tips? We’ve got a few tricks to help you learn language translation and dip your toes into the unknown worlds of grammar, vocab, pronunciation, and more!

Tips for Learning Any Language

If you want to learn how to translate Urdu to English (or any language for that matter!), we recommend downloading a language translation app.


You can only get so far using Google Translate or other free tools to learn pronunciation and sentence structure. 


Apps like Vocre’s offline translator can help you learn basic grammar and vocab words — and even translate voice to text for you. Download the dictionary onto your smartphone to use the app even when you don’t have internet access.


Vocre is one of the best language translation apps and is available for iOS in the App Store and Android in the Google Play Store

Conversational Urdu to English 

Learning conversational Urdu is easier than learning how to write the language. By learning the most commonly spoken Urdu words, you’ll be able to understand much of what is said in conversation. 

Urdu Pronunciation

Of course, pronunciation is one of the most important aspects of learning a new language. If you don’t pronounce words correctly, you’ll stand out as a novice speaker!


Sounds present in Urdu aren’t sounds that are used in many other languages. 


Language learning apps, such as Vocre, can help you learn the correct pronunciation of words in Urdu. 

Learning Urdu Grammar

Learning the basic grammatical structure of Urdu is a great way to get a leg up on this language. 


When you know how to build a sentence, you can mix and match different words to make full sentences and then phrases.  

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